Printer's Impishness #2
I felt like practicing Printer's Devilry clue-writing so I made another 'impish' mini. This one is 6x6 with bars instead of blocks. Now, it turns out that Across Lite doesn't support barred crosswords (?), but PuzzleMe does. A quick tutorial in HTML editing and voila! You're welcome, computer solvers (but if you like paper solving, there's still a PDF).
In my first PD, all of the clues were examples of what could be called 'first-order' devilry, where removal of the hidden word from the clue passage only creates one new word (by joining the remaining ends of the original undevilled words). This puzzle contains several examples of higher-order devilry where the removal's effects extend beyond the resection point, such as 2A, 5A, and 4D. When making sense of these clues, the important thing to remember is that the original order of letters in the clue is unaltered.
Entries in this grid include one proper noun. Incidentally, the proper noun entry (no spoilers) gets my personal favorite clue in the puzzle - the surface mechanism immediately suggested itself, but it took over an hour of brainstorming to wrestle it into a manageable form. Also (spoiler alert!) here's the story behind 1D.
Next cryptic coming May 13th--be sure to subscribe above or find these puzzles on Matt Gritzmacher's daily crossword digest.
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