Cryptic #13

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I'm excited and not a little relieved to finally return to my blog puzzle series with a new cryptic. Since my last post five months ago, I've spent relatively little time making any crosswords, cryptic or otherwise--simply put, life has been very busy and I've been needing to prioritize my focus away from my hobby. This cryptic has taken me nearly two months to write, on and off. I'm trying to figure out how to keep up more regular posts on Beneath The Surface for the foreseeable future, while also leaving time for other crossword projects I'd like to do--for instance, maybe more of a focus on midi puzzles rather than trying to create a full-size puzzle from scratch every month.

In other crossword news, I made my AVCX cryptic debut last month (if you're not an AVCX subscriber, you can purchase the puzzle for $1 here). It was a lot of fun working with Stella Zawistowski, who served as my editor, and the process gave me some insights into cryptic clue-writing that I've tried to apply in this puzzle. (Those who've solved my AVCX cryptic will find this puzzle contains an echo of one of the clues)

I hope you enjoy the puzzle!
